I once read, that to perform, you need practice and to practice you need passion.
Well, I am a passionately serious hobbyist photographer who has an eclectic taste in what I like to capture.
Having grown up at the coast I especially enjoy spending time at the beach capturing landscapes/seascapes and surfing, but I am as passionate about all the other genres of photography.
I try and capture what my mind sees and in the words of Albert Einstein “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
Finally, It was the famous photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson who coined the phrase “ Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst”, so I invite you to join me on my journey towards 10,001
Please note that all photos are the property, blood, sweat and tears of Stan Blumberg Photography, so if you wish to re-use them in any way, please be kind enough to ask for written permission, and give credit where it's due.
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